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Natural Enhancement

Fight the signs of ageing, enhance your natural beauty and reduce the appearance of fine lines by replacing lost collagen with dermal fillers.

As skin ages, the hyaluronic acid beneath its surface breaks down and causes wrinkles and unpleasant sagging. Feel younger and replace lost volume anywhere in your face to enjoy defined cheeks and lips or a softer, smoother skin tone.

At YoungOne Clinic, we carefully assess the structure of your face, before advising how to achieve the youthful look you desire. Our treatments have helped many clients enjoy the perfect Cupid’s bow, smoother cheeks or fuller lips – and we’re confident we can create the look of your dreams.

*Results may vary from person to person

Dermal & Lip Filler

Summary Of  Your Treatment

Procedure Time

30-60 minutes estimated

Back To Work

Depending on

site of injection-

6-24 hours estimated


Topical numbing cream

Full Recovery

48 hours estimated

Duration Of Results

6-24 months *


immediate visible

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